Friday, October 10, 2008

Response to James Gee Article

I think the "Gee" article was very interesting. I agree with many things stated in the article about how educator should show their students the importance of video games. I think that if every student take the opportunity to learn new things they can become more open mind and they would find learning more interesting, fun, and challenging for them. I think that is true the more opportunity people give themselves to see their mistake and learn from them the more open mind they tend to be in their life and in everything they do. All subject always stand to show students a different meaning but every student should allow themselves to experience new things like the article said with Biology is a subject that require a lot of memorization because everything need to be done step by step in order to understand the concept. Furthermore, students should think that video games incorporate good learning principles that will teach them that the higher the level of the game is the more challenging will be for them to win the game. I personally found this article to be really helpful I think that every educator should show their students the importance that game represent in their daily learning. For me personally learning represent challenge, effort, and motivation. I think that every good video games always tend to be motivating and entertaining for every person that is interesting in learning new things. When educators show their students the concept of video games students tend to become more interesting in learning new principle . I totally agree with Gee idea because I think it is really important for every student in school to learn something new. I think that students should see their education fun rather than an obligation for them because the more knowledge a person have the more opportunity they have in their life.

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