Monday, October 20, 2008

The Cluster

I really like been part of this cluster because the professors work together has a team. Being part of this cluster have giving me the opportunity to learn new things that I didn't know before like movies, the evolution of media, and games. The most interesting thing for me about the cluster is that we always get the opportunity to work together as one group which give us the chance to learn from each other and from our own mistake. I personally enjoy been part of both the media, and the game class both of this classes are really interesting because both of them have teach me the real meaning of the evolution of the media, and the concept of games. I also, like the film class because I had learn so many things that I didn't know before like the concept of each film that I see in the class. The most challenging thing for me right now is all the project that I have coming up for each of my classes. The challenges that I expect over the next two week are more project coming up from my other classes but I not that keeping myself busy and focus on my school work would take me far on doing things right and on time. I personally thing that one of the best thing that had happen to me was been part of the this cluster which is really helpful of me and very interesting.

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