Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The field trip report

On Wednesday October 22 my ENG 101 professor Dr. Smith took the whole class to a trip to the city. He took us to the Toys R' Us in Time Square. The purpose for this trip was to look at different types of games that were in the store because we have a big project coming up which the main topic is game. We didn't necessary have to had a partner to do this assignment we could have went by ourselves. So I went alone with two of my classmate Claudia and April, since we have enter the store we went to the second floor to take a look at the different type of game that they had. In that section of the store we found a lot of educational games for children which has grab all of our attention. Also there were three games that were seem to be really interesting and very educational for children like the Leap Frog, Cool School Computer, Smile Vs. Motion and Cyber Pocket all this games are a active learning system for children. A toy is a product or a material designed or clearly intended for used in play by children. A game is a structured or semi-structured activity, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes also used as an educational tool. The difference between a "toy" and a "game" is that a toy is something that you can play and at the sometime touch it with your hands and a game only stand just for people to have fun and get entertain. I think that a toy can become a game because since we have video games some people always tend to transform toys in video games so not only children can play it but adult too. The cultural issues that we may face when we speak about toys and games is that there always is going to be a person that will say something bad about games. Toys reflect the interplay between our society's view of play and its opposite, work. The differences I see between videos games and hard games is that most of the games take the place of a made up character. The hard games is usually like a puzzle where you have to put every piece together. This trip was really interesting because I have learn a lot about the different type of educational games for children.

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