Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Exploring Topics

I'm thinking of writing my topic about the different types of educational games for children. What I want to write about is three main things that are concern with my topic they're list below. How games affected children behavior? How does children become active leaner by playing educational games? What is the real message that educational games teach children and their parents.
The field trip report

On Wednesday October 22 my ENG 101 professor Dr. Smith took the whole class to a trip to the city. He took us to the Toys R' Us in Time Square. The purpose for this trip was to look at different types of games that were in the store because we have a big project coming up which the main topic is game. We didn't necessary have to had a partner to do this assignment we could have went by ourselves. So I went alone with two of my classmate Claudia and April, since we have enter the store we went to the second floor to take a look at the different type of game that they had. In that section of the store we found a lot of educational games for children which has grab all of our attention. Also there were three games that were seem to be really interesting and very educational for children like the Leap Frog, Cool School Computer, Smile Vs. Motion and Cyber Pocket all this games are a active learning system for children. A toy is a product or a material designed or clearly intended for used in play by children. A game is a structured or semi-structured activity, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes also used as an educational tool. The difference between a "toy" and a "game" is that a toy is something that you can play and at the sometime touch it with your hands and a game only stand just for people to have fun and get entertain. I think that a toy can become a game because since we have video games some people always tend to transform toys in video games so not only children can play it but adult too. The cultural issues that we may face when we speak about toys and games is that there always is going to be a person that will say something bad about games. Toys reflect the interplay between our society's view of play and its opposite, work. The differences I see between videos games and hard games is that most of the games take the place of a made up character. The hard games is usually like a puzzle where you have to put every piece together. This trip was really interesting because I have learn a lot about the different type of educational games for children.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Cluster

I really like been part of this cluster because the professors work together has a team. Being part of this cluster have giving me the opportunity to learn new things that I didn't know before like movies, the evolution of media, and games. The most interesting thing for me about the cluster is that we always get the opportunity to work together as one group which give us the chance to learn from each other and from our own mistake. I personally enjoy been part of both the media, and the game class both of this classes are really interesting because both of them have teach me the real meaning of the evolution of the media, and the concept of games. I also, like the film class because I had learn so many things that I didn't know before like the concept of each film that I see in the class. The most challenging thing for me right now is all the project that I have coming up for each of my classes. The challenges that I expect over the next two week are more project coming up from my other classes but I not that keeping myself busy and focus on my school work would take me far on doing things right and on time. I personally thing that one of the best thing that had happen to me was been part of the this cluster which is really helpful of me and very interesting.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Favorite Poem

Don't Quit!

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh.

When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest,you must-but don't you quit
Life is queer with its twists and turns
As everyone of us sometimes learns.

And many a failure turn about
When he might have won had he stuck it out
Don't give up, though the pace seems slow
You might succeed with another blow.

Success is failure turned inside out, the silver tint of the clouds of doubt. And you never can tell how close you are, it may be near when it seems so far so stick to the fight when you're hardest hit.
It's when things seem worst, that you
Must Not Quit!

Friday, October 10, 2008

My Experience In The Club Fair

I personally found that the club fair was really interesting and fun. I like the fact that it had a variety of club to choose from. The club event gave me the chance to meet new people and learn about their club. During this journey I took the time to talk to every member of the club because I was interesting to learn and find out what each club was about. I have to say that this was an amazing experience because I was surround by some of my classmate and my close friends. The clubs that were most interesting and fun to me were the Game club, Actor's guild and Urban truth ( break dance) club all this club were really interesting I specially like the game club because I saw a lot of people playing many different games and it seems they had a lot of fun playing. I was really interest to talk to the Physical Therapist but they told me that the representative was not there I wanted to join them because I wanted to learn more about the field so since I didn't find anyone that could gave me information I decide to join the Urban truth ( Break dance ) club with three of my classmate that became interesting in the club. I personally choose to join break dance because that is one of the think that I love doing since I was a little girl. For me being the club was one of the most memorable experience that one could have because every club had something interest to communicate.
Response to James Gee Article

I think the "Gee" article was very interesting. I agree with many things stated in the article about how educator should show their students the importance of video games. I think that if every student take the opportunity to learn new things they can become more open mind and they would find learning more interesting, fun, and challenging for them. I think that is true the more opportunity people give themselves to see their mistake and learn from them the more open mind they tend to be in their life and in everything they do. All subject always stand to show students a different meaning but every student should allow themselves to experience new things like the article said with Biology is a subject that require a lot of memorization because everything need to be done step by step in order to understand the concept. Furthermore, students should think that video games incorporate good learning principles that will teach them that the higher the level of the game is the more challenging will be for them to win the game. I personally found this article to be really helpful I think that every educator should show their students the importance that game represent in their daily learning. For me personally learning represent challenge, effort, and motivation. I think that every good video games always tend to be motivating and entertaining for every person that is interesting in learning new things. When educators show their students the concept of video games students tend to become more interesting in learning new principle . I totally agree with Gee idea because I think it is really important for every student in school to learn something new. I think that students should see their education fun rather than an obligation for them because the more knowledge a person have the more opportunity they have in their life.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


What do we mean when we use the word play? What do we mean when we say lets "play"? What does it mean when we use the word "game"?

When people use the word play they mean to engage themselves in any type of activity that captures there attention. However, when we suggest playing we may mean to do something fun, and enjoyable at the same time. Playing is an activity that entertains and occupies our time. Both of the words "game" and "play" are commonly used together because we could never really look at a game and not have the temptation or the thought of wanting to play it. More then half of the time people, especially children tend to play games because they find them interesting and entertaining. Nowadays most people are becoming addicted to games, which may sometimes be a problem. It can cause a problem because it begins to brainwash us, making the game become our only interest and making us seem like fiends. I think everybody plays a game to entertain, challenge, and to have fun.