Wednesday, September 10, 2008

About Me


Hello everyone and welcome to my page. I'm 19 years old and Im a student at Laguardia community college. I migrated from the Dominican Republic at the age of 6 and came to the states. I graduated from high school, and it was an amazing experience. Preparing me for college and future jobs. My favorite color is baby blue, and i love to listen to romantic music. I tend to work out when i feel stressed. Im extremly focused and determined. I feel that the only obsticale in life is doubting yourself, when you doubt yourself there truly is nothing else to look forward to. Im very open minded and extremely out going. I love to shop and socialize with people.
Another on of my favorite hobbies is dancing, i feel that in dancing i feel free and show my inner being.


Anonymous said...

My NaMe iS JaRoLyN....BuT mY fRiEnDs AnD FaMiLy CaLL mE JaRo...wHiCh EvEr 0nE iS eAsIeR foR y0u iS fiNe

i Am AlsO fRoM Da DoMiNiCan rEpUbLiC...LoLz
WaT PaRt ArE YoU fRom.. I aM fRoM tHe TenArEs BuT i HaVe FaMiLy EvErYwHeRe..

Erica said...

thanx Arisleidy...and I like your blog as well....